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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 554 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 1
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1. "Rattana Phadungrakwittaya, Pravit Akarasereenont, Sirikul Chotewuttakorn, Ariyawan Lumlerdkij, Onusa Thamsermsang, Tawee Laohapand.
Quantitative Analysis of Some Phenolic Compounds in Ayurved Siriraj Wattana (AVS073) Using HPTLC .
Siriraj Med J.  2015.  67  72-78.
Department : Pharmacology
Journal Name : Siriraj Med J
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
2. Aanpreung P, Leksrisakul P, Parichatikanond P.
Neonatal hemochromatosis: a case report.
Siriraj Med J.  2015.  67  (4): 187-191.
Department : Pathology
Journal Name : Siriraj Med J
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
3. Abed, S., Tubsuwan, A., Chaichompoo, P., Park, I.H., Pailleret, A., Benyoucef, A., Tosca, L., De Dreuzy, E., Paulard, A., Granger-Locatelli, M., Relouzat, F., Prost, S., Tachdjian, G., Fucharoen, S., Daley, G.Q., Payen, E., Chrétien, S., Leboulch, P., Maouche-Chrétien, L. .
Transplantation of Macaca cynomolgus iPS-derived hematopoietic cells in NSG immunodeficient mice .
Haematologica.  2015.  100  (10): e428-e431.
Department : Biochemistry
Journal Name : Haematologica  / IF = 5.814
Source : Scopus
4. Abed, Soumeya; Tubsuwan, Alisa; Chaichompoo, Porntip; Park, In Hyun; Pailleret, Alice; Benyoucef, Aissa; Tosca, Lucie; De Dreuzy, Edouard; Paulard, Anais; Granger-Locatelli, Marine; Relouzat, Francis; Prost, Stephane; Tachdjian, Gerard; Fucharoen, Suthat; Daley, George Q.; Payen, Emmanuel; Chretien, Stany; Leboulch, Philippe; Maouche-Chretien, Leila .
Transplantation of Macaca cynomolgus iPS-derived hematopoietic cells in NSG immunodeficient mice .
HAEMATOLOGICA.  2015.  100  (10): E428-E431.
Department : Biochem
Journal Name : HAEMATOLOGICA  / IF = 5.814
Source : ISI
5. Aggarwal N, Pongpruttipan T, Patel S, Bayerl MG, Alkan S, Nathwani B, Surti U, Kitahara S, Chinthammitr Y, Swerdlow SH.
Expression of S100 Protein in CD4-positive T-cell Lymphomas Is Often Associated With T-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia.
Am J Surg Pathol.  2015. 
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Am J Surg Pathol  / IF = 5.145
Source : Pubmed
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