Siriraj Metabolomics and Phenomics Center (SiMPC)

The Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital has already conducted genomics and proteomics clinical research. With this in mind, we now are integrating activities in the new Siriraj Metabolomics and Phenomics Center (SiMPC), which will provide education, training, research, and service in the fields of metabolomics and phenomics.


Research missions /Objectives

  1. To establish the first national center for medical metabolomics and phenomics research in Thailand.
  2. To establish a national research laboratory for detecting and quantiating biochemical compounds in human and animal tissues, cells, biofluids, and other related samples such as Thai medicinal herbs and herb products.
  3. To develop and maintain a national database on metabolic phenotypes of Thai people and Thai medicinal herbs for facilitating new knowledge discovery and improving clinical risk assessment, prognostic, diagnostic, and treatments specific for Thai population.
  4. To provide biomolecular detection laboratory service for physicians, healthcare providers, researchers within and outside of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital.
  5. To provide academic services including training on biomolecular detection laboratory service and research for staffs and students within and outside of the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital.
  6. To be a core center linking Siriraj and Mahidol university research networks and private sectors for cooperation toward expansion of Thailand capability in metabolomics and phenomics research.
  7. To develop research projects that address market demands (Lab2Market), have commercial applications and leads to business negotiations.

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MED X MET [March 5, 2021]

Thai Tastes X Metabolomics [November 20, 2021]