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31. Aroonpruksakul N, Punchuklang W, Kasikan K, Laotaweesuk N, Phoson P, Khongrod R, Kiatchai T. .
The actual duration of preoperative fasting in pediatric patients, and its effects on hunger and thirst: a prospective observational study .
Translational Pediatrics.  2023.  12  (2): 146-154.
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : Translational Pediatrics
Source : Scopus
32. Aroonrangsee T.; Chairatnathrongporn R.; Surarit R.; Tansriratanawong K.; Santiprabhob J.; Boriboonhirunsarn C.; Promsudthi A. .
Salivary Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Thai Adolescents and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Cross-Sectional Study .
Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry.  2023.  13  (4): 333-341.
Department : ฝ่ายทันตกรรม/Pediatrics
Journal Name : Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry
Source : Scopus
33. Arumugam S.; Lyu A.; Goh B.H.; Panich U. .
Editorial: Global excellence in ethnopharmacology: Asia .
Frontiers in Pharmacology.  2023.  14 
Department : Pharmacology
Journal Name : Frontiers in Pharmacology
Source : Scopus
34. Arunrukthavon P.; Songsaeng D.; Keatmanee C.; Klabwong S.; Ekpanyapong M.; Dailey M.N. .
Diagnostic Performance of Artificial Intelligence for Interpreting Thyroid Cancer in Ultrasound images .
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science.  2023.  13  (1):
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science
Source : Scopus
35. Arunsurat I, Rittayamai N, Chuaychoo B, Tangchityongsiva S, Promsarn S, Yuenyong S, Chow CW, Brochard L. .
Bronchodilator Efficacy of High-Flow Nasal Cannula in COPD: Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer Versus Jet Nebulizer .
Respir Care.  2023. 
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Respir Care
Source : Pubmed

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