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26. Apivanichkul M.K., Phasukkit P., Pittaya D. .
CT Dataset Enhancement using Additional Feature Insertion for Automatic Femur Segmentation Model Based on Deep Learning .
BMEiCON 2022 - 14th Biomedical Engineering International Conference.  2023. 
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : BMEiCON 2022 - 14th Biomedical Engineering International Conference
Source : Scopus
27. Arai H, Maeda K, Wakabayashi H, Naito T, Konishi M, Assantachai P, Auyeung WT, Chalermsri C, Chen W, Chew J, Chou MY, Hsu CC, Hum A, Hwang IG, Kaido T, Kang L, Kamaruzzaman SB, Kim M, Lee JSW, Lee WJ, Liang CK, Lim WS, Lim JY, Lim YP, Lo RS, Ong T, Pan WH, Peng LN, Pramyothin P, Razalli NH, Saitoh M, Shahar S, Shi HP, Tung HH, Uezono Y, von Haehling S, Won CW, Woo J, Chen LK. .
Diagnosis and outcomes of cachexia in Asia: Working Consensus Report from the Asian Working Group for Cachexia .
Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle.  2023.  14  (5): 1949-1958.
Department : Medicine/Preventive and Social Medicine
Journal Name : Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle
Source : Scopus
28. Arigul T., Jenjaroenpun P., Wankaew N., Vespirom J., Thuamkaew P., Wongsurawat T., Ledlod S. .
Complete Genome Sequences of Three Salmonella Strains Obtained from a Poultry Production Farm in Thailand .
Microbiology Resource Announcements.  2023.  12  (2):
Department : ฝ่ายวิจัย
Journal Name : Microbiology Resource Announcements
Source : Scopus
29. Ariyasingha NM, Samoilenko A, Birchall JR, Chowdhury MRH, Salnikov OG, Kovtunova LM, Bukhtiyarov VI, Zhu DC, Qian C, Bradley M, Gelovani JG, Koptyug IV, Goodson BM, Chekmenev EY. .
Ultra-Low-Cost Disposable Hand-Held Clinical-Scale Propane Gas Hyperpolarizer for Pulmonary Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sensing .
ACS Sens.  2023. 
Department : Siriraj Hospital
Journal Name : ACS Sens
Source : Pubmed
30. Arkell P, Mairiang D, Songjaeng A, Malpartida-Cardenas K, Hill-Cawthorne K, Avirutnan P, Georgiou P, Holmes A, Rodriguez-Manzano J. .
Analytical and diagnostic performance characteristics of reverse-transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays for dengue virus serotypes 1-4: A scoping review to inform potential use in portable molecular diagnostic devices .
PLOS Glob Public Health.  2023.  3  (8):
Department : Research and Development/Siriraj Center of Research Excellence in Dengue and Emerging Pathogens
Journal Name : PLOS Glob Public Health
Source : Pubmed

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