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21. Anukul N.; Jenjaroenpun P.; Sirikul C.; Wankaew N.; Nimsamer P.; Roothumnong E.; Pithukpakorn M.; Leetrakool N.; Wongsurawat T. .
Ultrarapid and high-resolution HLA class I typing using transposase-based nanopore sequencing applied in pharmacogenetic testing .
Frontiers in Genetics.  2023.  14 
Department : ฝ่ายวิจัย/Medicine
Journal Name : Frontiers in Genetics
Source : Scopus
22. Anuwutnavin S, Russameecharoen K, Ruangvuthilert P, Viboonchard S, Sklansky M, DeVore GR. .
Reference Ranges and Development Patterns of Fetal Myocardial Function using Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Healthy Fetuses at 17-24 Weeks of Gestation .
Am J Perinatol.  2023. 
Department : Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal Name : Am J Perinatol
Source : Pubmed
23. Anwised P, Moorawong R, Samruan W, Somredngan S, Srisutush J, Laowtammathron C, Aksoy I, Parnpai R, Savatier P. .
An expedition in the jungle of pluripotent stem cells of non-human primates .
Stem Cell Reports.  2023. 
Department : Siriraj Center of Excellence for Stem Cell Research
Journal Name : Stem Cell Reports
Source : Pubmed
24. Apivanichkul K.; Phasukkit P.; Dankulchai P. .
The Effect of Preprocessing on U-Net for Bladder Segmentation in CT Images .
8th International STEM Education Conference, iSTEM-Ed 2023 - Proceedings.  2023. 
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : 8th International STEM Education Conference, iSTEM-Ed 2023 - Proceedings
Source : Scopus
25. Apivanichkul K.; Phasukkit P.; Dankulchai P.; Sittiwong W.; Jitwatcharakomol T. .
Enhanced Deep-Learning-Based Automatic Left-Femur Segmentation Scheme with Attribute Augmentation .
Sensors.  2023.  23  (12):
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : Sensors
Source : Scopus

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