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46. Aung Z.H.; Songsaksuppachok C.; Kanchanapiboon P.; Ritthipravat P. .
Development of a novel robot-assisted vocabulary learning system using pure synthetic data .
Intelligent Systems with Applications.  2023.  20 
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : Intelligent Systems with Applications
Source : Scopus
47. Aurpibul L., Kosalaraksa P., Kawichai S., Lumbiganon P., Ounchanum P., Natalie Songtaweesin W., Sudjaritruk T., Chokephaibulkit K., Rungmaitree S., Suwanlerk T., Ross J.L., Sohn A.H., Puthanakit T., Thai PAPAYA study team .
Alcohol use, suicidality and virologic non-suppression among young adults with perinatally acquired HIV in Thailand: a cross-sectional study .
Journal of the International AIDS Society.  2023.  26  (2):
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Journal of the International AIDS Society
Source : Scopus
48. Avari P., O'Regan A., Preechasuk L., Oliver N., Agha-Jaffar R. .
Adjustment of Maternal Variable Rate Insulin Infusions Using Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes .
Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics.  2023.  25  (4): 293-297.
Department : Siriraj Diabetes Center of Excellence
Journal Name : Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics
Source : Scopus
49. Awang T.; Chairatana P.; Pongprayoon P. .
Molecular dynamics simulations of human α-defensin 5 (HD5) crossing gram-negative bacterial membrane .
PLoS ONE.  2023.  18  (11):
Department : Microbiology
Journal Name : PLoS ONE
Source : Scopus
50. Azimaraghi O., Bilal M., Amornyotin S., Arain M., Behrends M., Berzin T.M., Buxbaum J.L., Choice C., Fassbender P., Sawhney M.S., Sundar E., Wongtangman K., Leslie K., Eikermann M. .
Consensus guidelines for the perioperative management of patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography .
British Journal of Anaesthesia.  2023.  130  (6): 763-772.
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : British Journal of Anaesthesia
Source : Scopus

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