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161. Chawanpaiboon S., Titapant V., Pooliam J. .
Neonatal complication of caesarean sections at tertiary center: Siriraj hospital, Bangkok, Thailand .
African Journal of Reproductive Health.  2022.  26  (9): 118-132.
Department : Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Research and Development
Journal Name : African Journal of Reproductive Health
Source : Scopus
162. Chawanpaiboon S., Titapant V., Pooliam J. .
Maternal complication of caesarean section at tertiary center: Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand .
African Journal of Reproductive Health.  2022.  26  (8): 142-154.
Department : Obstetrics & Gynaecology/Research and Development
Journal Name : African Journal of Reproductive Health
Source : Scopus
163. Chaweekulrat P., Sanmaneechai O. .
Prognostic model for time to achieve independent walking in children with Guillain-Barré syndrome .
Pediatric Research.  2022. 
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Pediatric Research
Source : Scopus
164. Chayachinda C., Chinhiran K., Kittiyaowamarn R., Chaithongwongwatthana S., Teeratakulpisarn N. .
The Thai 2022 Sexually Transmitted Infections Treatment Guideline: Abnormal vaginal discharge [แนวทางการรักษาโรคติดเชื้อติดต่อทางเพศสัมพันธ์ของไทย พ.ศ.2565: ภาวะระดูขาวผิดปกติ] .
Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  2022.  30  (4): 22-233.
Department : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Name : Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Source : Scopus
165. Chayachinda C., Thamkhantho M., Ngamsakulrungroj P., Leeyaphan C., Tulyaprawat O. .
Effect of intravaginal gentian violet for acute vaginal candidiasis treated with a single dose oral fluconazole: a randomised controlled trial .
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  2022. 
Department : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Name : Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Source : Scopus

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