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271. Ganokroj P., Sompornpanich N., Kerdsomnuek P., Vanadurongwan B., Lertwanich P. .
Validity and reliability of smartphone applications for measurement of hip rotation, compared with three‐dimensional motion analysis .
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.  2021.  22  (1):
Department : Orthopaedic Surgery
Journal Name : BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Source : Scopus
272. García H.G., Ajawatanawong P., Usmani A., Palittapongarnpim P. .
Multicentre cohort study of cochlear implantation outcomes in Thailand .
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  2021.  52  (3): 444-458.
Department : Bioinformatics and Data Management for Research
Journal Name : Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Source : Scopus
273. Gardner R.S., Thakur P., Hammill E.F., Nair D.G., Eldadah Z., Stančák B., Ferrick K., Sriratanasathavorn C., Duray G.Z., Wariar R., Zhang Y., An Q., Averina V., Boehmer J.P. .
Multiparameter diagnostic sensor measurements during clinically stable periods and worsening heart failure in ambulatory patients .
ESC Heart Failure.  2021. 
Department : Her Majesty Cardiac Center
Journal Name : ESC Heart Failure
Source : Scopus
274. Gaur AH, Cotton MF, Rodriguez CA, McGrath EJ, Helström E, Liberty A, Natukunda E, Kosalaraksa P, Chokephaibulkit K, Maxwell H, Wong P, Porter D, Majeed S, Yue MS, Graham H, Martin H, Brainard DM, Pikora C. .
Fixed-dose combination bictegravir, emtricitabine, and tenofovir alafenamide in adolescents and children with HIV: week 48 results of a single-arm, open-label, multicentre, phase 2/3 trial .
Lancet Child Adolesc Health.  2021. 
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Lancet Child Adolesc Health
Source : Pubmed
275. Ghafil C., Matsushima K., Guzman R., Owattanapanich N., Reitz M.M., Garapati H., Nwokedi J.O., Inaba K. .
Performance of Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma Following Resuscitative Thoracotomy for Traumatic Cardiac Arrest .
World Journal of Surgery.  2021. 
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : World Journal of Surgery
Source : Scopus

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