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256. Engel-Riedel, W.; Majem, M.; Goldman, J. W.; Grohe, C.; John, T.; Laktionov, K.; Kim, S.; Kato, T.; Vu, H. V.; Lu, S.; Lee, K.; Akewanlop, C.; Yu, C. J.; de Marinis, F.; Bonanno, L.; Domine, M.; Shepherd, F. A.; Zeng, L.; Kulkarni, D.; Medic, N.; Tsuboi, M.; Herbst, R. S.; Wu, Y. L.; Wohlleber, M. .
Patient Reports from ADAURA: HRQol Data on Osimertinib as adjuvant Therapy in Patients with resected EGFR-mutated (EGFRm) NSCLC .
PNEUMOLOGIE.  2021.  75  S21-S21.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : PNEUMOLOGIE
Source : ISI
257. Erdbrügger U., Blijdorp C.J., Bijnsdorp I.V., Borràs F.E., Burger D., Bussolati B., Byrd J.B., Clayton A., Dear J.W., Falcón-Pérez J.M., Grange C., Hill A.F., Holthöfer H., Hoorn E.J., Jenster G., Jimenez C.R., Junker K., Klein J., Knepper M.A., Koritzinsky E.H., Luther J.M., Lenassi M., Leivo J., Mertens I., Musante L., Oeyen E., Puhka M., van Royen M.E., Sánchez C., Soekmadji C., Thongboonkerd V., van Steijn V., Verhaegh G., Webber J.P., Witwer K., Yuen P.S.T., Zheng L., Llorente A., Martens-Uzunova E.S. .
Urinary extracellular vesicles: A position paper by the Urine Task Force of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles .
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles.  2021.  10  (7):
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Source : Scopus
258. Evangelista K.E.R., Manuskiatti W., Wanitphakdeedecha R., Techapichetvanich T. .
Clinical Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of a 670-nm Picosecond Laser for Treatment of Benign Pigmented Lesions in Asians .
Dermatologic surgery.  2021.  47  (5): e153-e158.
Department : Dermatology
Journal Name : Dermatologic surgery
Source : Scopus
259. Fan Q., Polackal M.N., Tian Q., Ngamsombat C., Nummenmaa A., Witzel T., Klawiter E.C., Huang S.Y. .
Scan-rescan repeatability of axonal imaging metrics using high-gradient diffusion MRI and statistical implications for study design .
NeuroImage.  2021.  240 
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : NeuroImage
Source : Scopus
260. Farhoudian A., Radfar S.R., Ardabili H.M., Rafei P., Ebrahimi M., Zonoozi A.K., De Jong C.A.J., Vahidi M., Yunesian M., Kouimtsidis C., Arunogiri S., Hansen H., Brady K.T., Potenza M.N., Baldacchino A.M., Ekhtiari H., Abagiu A.O., Abouna F.D.N., Ahmed M.H., Al-Ansari B., Al-Khair F.M.A., Almaqbali M.H., Ratta-Apha W., ISAM Global Survey Consortium (ISAM-GSC) .
A Global Survey on Changes in the Supply, Price, and Use of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol, and Related Complications During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic .
Frontiers in Psychiatry.  2021.  12 
Department : Psychiatry
Journal Name : Frontiers in Psychiatry
Source : Scopus

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