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251. Ekwattanakit S., Hantaweepant C., Khuhapinant A., Siritanaratkul N., Viprakasit V. .
An urgent need for improving thalassemia care due to the wide gap in current real-life practice and clinical practice guidelines .
Scientific Reports.  2021.  11  (1):
Department : Pediatrics/Medicine/Siriraj Thalassemia Center
Journal Name : Scientific Reports
Source : Scopus
252. El Hechi M, Kongkaewpaisan N, Naar L, Aicher B, Diaz J Jr, O'Meara L, Decker C, Rodriquez J, Schroeppel T, Rattan R, Vasileiou G, Yeh DD, Simonoski U, Turay D, Cullinane D, Emmert C, McCrum M, Wall N, Badach J, Goldenberg-Sandau A, Carmichael H, Velopulos C, Choron R, Sakran J, Bekdache K, Black G, Shoultz T, Chadnick Z, Sim V, Madbak F, Steadman D, Camazine M, Zielinski M, Hardman C, Walusimbi M, Kim M, Rodier S, Papadopoulos V, Tsoulfas G, Perez J, Kaafarani HMA. .
The Emergency Surgery Score accurately predicts the need for postdischarge respiratory and renal support after emergent laparotomies: A prospective EAST multicenter study .
The journal of trauma and acute care surgery.  2021.  90  (3): 557-564.
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : The journal of trauma and acute care surgery
Source : Scopus
253. El Moheb M., Han K., Breen K., El Hechi M., Jia Z., Mokhtari A., Kongkaewpaisan N., Kongwibulwut M., Rodriguez G., Ortega C., Qin H., Yang J., Gao R., Wang Z., Gao Z., Prichayudh S., van der Wilden G.M., Santin S., Ribeiro M.A.F., Jr., Noppakunsomboom N., Sakran J.V., Joseph B., Alami R., Kaafarani H.M.A. .
General Versus Neuraxial Anesthesia for Appendectomy: A Multicenter International Study .
World Journal of Surgery.  2021. 
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : World Journal of Surgery
Source : Scopus
254. El-Khawas, Khaled; Richmond, Danielle; Zwakman-Hessels, Lara; Cutuli, Salvatore L.; Belletti, Alessandro; Naorungroj, Thummaporn; Abdelkarim, Hussam; Yang, Natalie; Bellomo, Rinaldo .
Radiologically and clinically diagnosed acute pulmonary oedema in critically ill patients: prevalence, patient characteristics, treatments and outcomes .
CRITICAL CARE AND RESUSCITATION.  2021.  23  (2): 154-162.
Department : Siriraj Hospital
Source : ISI
255. El-Sokkary R, Uysal S, Erdem H, Kullar R, Pekok AU, Amer F, Grgić S, Carevic B, El-Kholy A, Liskova A, Özdemir M, Khan EA, Uygun-Kizmaz Y, Pandak N, Pandya N, Arapović J, Karaali R, Oztoprak N, Petrov MM, Alabadla R, Alay H, Kholy JAE, Landelle C, Khedr R, Mamtora D, Dragovac G, Fernandez R, Evren EU, Raka L, Cascio A, Dauby N, Oncul A, Balin SO, Cag Y, Dirani N, Dogan M, Dumitru IM, Gad MA, Darazam IA, Naghili B, Del Vecchio RF, Licker M, Marino A, Akhtar N, Kamal M, Angioni G, Medić D, Esmaoğlu A, Gergely SB, Silva-Pinto A, Santos L, Miftode IL, Tekin R, Wongsurakiat P, Khan MA, Kurekci Y, Pilli HP, Grozdanovski K, Miftode E, Baljic R, Vahabolgu H, Rello J. .
Profiles of multidrug-resistant organisms among patients with bacteremia in intensive care units: an international ID-IRI survey .
Department : Medicine
Source : Pubmed

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