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46. Atipimonpat A., Siwaponanan P., Khuhapinant A., Svasti S., Sukapirom K., Khowawisetsut L., Pattanapanyasat K. .
Extracellular vesicles from thalassemia patients carry iron-containing ferritin and hemichrome that promote cardiac cell proliferation .
Annals of Hematology.  2021.  100  (8): 1929-1946.
Department : Parasitology/Medicine/Research and Development/Immunology/Center of Excellence for Microparticle and Exosome in Diseases
Journal Name : Annals of Hematology
Source : Scopus
47. Atisook R, Euasobhon P, Saengsanon A, P Jensen M.
Validity and utility of four pain intensity measures for use in international research.
Journal of Pain Research.  2021.  14  1129-1139.
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : Journal of Pain Research
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
48. Atisook R., Euasobhon P., Saengsanon A., Jensen M.P. .
Validity and utility of four pain intensity measures for use in international research .
Journal of Pain Research.  2021.  14  1129-1139.
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : Journal of Pain Research
Source : Scopus
49. Aussavavirojekul P., Hoonlor A., Srinualnad S. .
Optimization of clinical risk-factor interpretation and radiological findings with machine learning for PIRADS category 3 patients .
Prostate.  2021. 
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : Prostate
Source : Scopus
50. Avan A., Hachinski V., Aamodt A.-H., Alessi C., Ali S., Alladi S., Andersen R., Anderson K.K., Avan A., Reza Azarpazhooh M., Bassetti C.L.A., Brainin M., Brodtmann A., Buchan A.M., Charway-Felli A., Cipriano L.E., Endres M., Evans T.G., Federico A., Feigin V.L., Ferro J.M., Freedman M., Frisbee S.J., Fuster V., Ganten D., Gilliland J., Hachinski V., Kimura J., Kirton J., Küey L., Ouriques Martins S.C., Mokhber N., Nilanont Y., Nucera A., Oveisgharan S., Owen A.M., Owolabi M.O., Rogers K.A., Rouleau G.A., Sacco R.L., Stranges S., Whitehead S.N., Whitehouse P.J., Wilk P., the Brain Health Learn and Act Group .
Brain health: Key to health, productivity, and well-being .
Alzheimer's and Dementia.  2021. 
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Alzheimer's and Dementia
Source : Scopus

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