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316. Hortrakul P, Yangan K, Phoson P, Charoensri A, Vichitvejpaisal P, Sombood P.
A Crossover Study of English Proficiency Test for Communication in Nurse Anaesthetist Students.
South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education.  2020.  14  (2):
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
317. Hoshide S., Kario K., Tomitani N., Kabutoya T., Chia Y.-C., Park S., Shin J., Turana Y., Tay J.C., Buranakitjaroen P., Chen C.-H., Nailes J., Minh H.V., Siddique S., Sison J., Soenarta A.A., Sogunuru G.P., Sukonthasarn A., Teo B.W., Verma N., Zhang Y., Wang T.-D., Wang J.-G. .
Highlights of the 2019 Japanese Society of Hypertension Guidelines and perspectives on the management of Asian hypertensive patients .
Journal of Clinical Hypertension.  2020. 
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Journal of Clinical Hypertension
Source : Scopus
318. Hossain M.S., Commons R.J., Douglas N.M., Thriemer K., Alemayehu B.H., Amaratunga C., Anvikar A.R., Ashley E.A., Asih P.B.S., Carrara V.I., Lon C., D'Alessandro U., Davis T.M.E., Dondorp A.M., Edstein M.D., Fairhurst R.M., Ferreira M.U., Hwang J., Janssens B., Karunajeewa H., Kiechel J.R., Ladeia-Andrade S., Laman M., Mayxay M., McGready R., Moore B.R., Mueller I., Newton P.N., Thuy-Nhien N.T., Noedl H., Nosten F., Phyo A.P., Poespoprodjo J.R., Saunders D.L., Smithuis F., Spring M.D., Stepniewska K., Suon S., Suputtamongkol Y., Syafruddin D., Tran H.T., Valecha N., Van Herp M., Van Vugt M., White N.J., Guerin P.J., Simpson J.A., Price R.N. .
The risk of Plasmodium vivax parasitaemia after P. falciparum malaria: An individual patient data meta-analysis from the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network .
PLoS medicine.  2020.  17  (11):
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : PLoS medicine
Source : Scopus
319. Hosseiny M., Felker E.R., Azadikhah A., Suvannarerg V., Sayre J., Ponzini D., Ahuja P., Lu D., Raman S.S. .
Efficacy of 3T Multiparametric MR Imaging followed by 3T in-Bore MR-Guided Biopsy for Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Based on PIRADSv2.1 Score .
Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.  2020.  31  (10): 1619-1626.
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Source : Scopus
320. Hou J.Y., Wright J.D., Achariyapota V. .
An application of ERBB2 receptor inhibitors in a rare case of S310F somatic ERBB2 mutation of primary signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma of vagina: A case report and review literature of S310F somatic ERBB2 mutation in breast and gynecologic cancers .
Gynecologic Oncology Reports.  2020.  32 
Department : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Name : Gynecologic Oncology Reports
Source : Scopus

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