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Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
Hosseiny M., Felker E.R., Azadikhah A., Suvannarerg V., Sayre J., Ponzini D., Ahuja P., Lu D., Raman S.S.
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. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology.
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Source : Scopus
Hou J.Y., Wright J.D., Achariyapota V.
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. Gynecologic Oncology Reports.
Department : Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Journal Name : Gynecologic Oncology Reports Source : Scopus