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301. Hatrongjit R., Kerdsin A., Takeuchi D., Wongsurawat T., Jenjaroenpun P., Chopjitt P., Boueroy P., Akeda Y., Hamada S. .
Genomic analysis of Aeromonas veronii C198, a novel Mcr-3.41-harboring isolate from a patient with septicemia in Thailand .
Pathogens.  2020.  9  (12): 1-13.
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : Pathogens
Source : Scopus
302. Haydinger C.D., Kittipassorn T., Peet D.J. .
Power to see—Drivers of aerobic glycolysis in the mammalian retina: A review .
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.  2020.  48  (8): 1057-1071.
Department : Physiology
Journal Name : Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Source : Scopus
303. Healy B.J., Budanec M., Ourdane B., Peace T., Petrovic B., Sanz D.E., Scanderbeg D.J., Tuntipumiamorn L. .
An IAEA survey of radiotherapy practice including quality assurance extent and depth .
Acta Oncologica.  2020. 
Department : Radiology
Journal Name : Acta Oncologica
Source : Scopus
304. Hemelaar J., Elangovan R., Yun J., Dickson-Tetteh L., Kirtley S., Gouws-Williams E., Ghys P.D., Abimiku A.G., Agwale S., Archibald C., Avidor B., Barbás M.G., Barre-Sinoussi F., Barugahare B., Belabbes E.H., Bertagnolio S., Birx D., Bobkov A.F., Brandful J., Bredell H., Brennan C.A., Brooks J., Bruckova M., Buonaguro L., Buonaguro F., Buttò S., Buvé A., Campbell M., Carr J., Carrera A., Carrillo M.G., Celum C., Chaplin B., Charles M., Chatzidimitriou D., Chen Z., Chijiwa K., Cooper D., Cunningham P., Dagnra A., de Gascun C.F., Del Amo J., Delgado E., Sutthent R.
Global and regional epidemiology of HIV-1 recombinants in 1990–2015: a systematic review and global survey .
The Lancet HIV.  2020.  7  (11): e772-e781.
Department : Microbiology
Journal Name : The Lancet HIV
Source : Scopus
305. Heng G., Lohsiriwat V., Tan K.-Y. .
Suitability of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols for elderly colorectal cancer patients .
Siriraj Medical Journal.  2020.  72  (1): 18-23.
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : Siriraj Medical Journal
Source : Scopus

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