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291. Hammer M., Grabitz S.D., Teja B., Wongtangman K., Serrano M., Neves S., Siddiqui S., Xu X., Eikermann M. .
A Tool to Predict Readmission to the Intensive Care Unit in Surgical Critical Care Patients—The RISC Score .
Journal of Intensive Care Medicine.  2020. 
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : Journal of Intensive Care Medicine
Source : Scopus
292. Han E., Patel N.A., Yannuzzi N.A., Laura D.M., Fan K.C., Negron C.I., Prakhunhungsit S., Thorson W.L., Berrocal A.M. .
A unique case of coats plus syndrome and dyskeratosis congenita in a patient with CTC1 mutations .
Ophthalmic Genetics.  2020.  41  (4): 363-367.
Department : Ophthalmology
Journal Name : Ophthalmic Genetics
Source : Scopus
293. Hansakon A., Jeerawattanawart S., Pattanapanyasat K., Angkasekwinai P. .
IL-25 Receptor Signaling Modulates Host Defense against Cryptococcus neoformans Infection .
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950).  2020. 
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Source : Scopus
294. Hansomwong T., Suk-Ouichai C., Woranisarakul V., Jitpraphai S., Chotikawanich E., Amornvesukit T., Taweemonkongsap T., Nualyong C. .
Application of mathematically calculated tumor contact surface area (CSA) as a predictive factor of renal function after partial nephrectomy for solitary renal mass .
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2020.  103  (2): 69-74.
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
295. Hantaweepant C., Sasijareonrat N., Chutvanichkul B., Karaketklang K., Chinthammitr Y. .
Comparison between optical microscopy and the Sysmex XN-3000 for schistocyte determination in patients suspected of having schistocytosis .
Health Science Reports.  2020.  3  (1):
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Health Science Reports
Source : Scopus

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