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276. Gamil A., Chokephaibulkit K., Phongsamart W., Techasaensiri C., Piralam B., Thamaree R. .
Pneumococcal disease in Thailand .
International Journal of Infectious Diseases.  2020.  102  429-436.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Source : Scopus
277. Ganokroj P., Lertwanich P., Chandhanayingyong C., Keyurapan E., Vanadurongwan B. .
Arthroscopic Treatment of a Large Mass of the Medial Side of the Leg Caused by Distal Extension of a Meniscal Cyst: A Case Report .
JBJS case connector.  2020.  10  (2): e0127.
Department : Orthopaedic Surgery
Journal Name : JBJS case connector
Source : Scopus
278. Gatechompol S., Teeratakulpisarn N., Wittawatmongkol O., Teeraananchai S., Kerr S.J., Chalermchockcharoenkit A., Thamkhantho M., Singtoroj T., Phanuphak N., Sohn A.H., Chokephaibulkit K. .
Incidence, Persistence, and Factors Associated With HPV Infection Among Male Adolescents With and Without Perinatally Acquired HIV Infection .
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes.  2020.  85  (5): 553-560.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes
Source : Scopus
279. Geanphun S., Sakiyalak P. .
Survival and factors predictive of survival in patients with thymic carcinoma .
Siriraj Medical Journal.  2020.  71  (6): 472-479.
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : Siriraj Medical Journal
Source : Scopus
280. Ghoreishi A., Arsang-Jang S., Sabaa-Ayoun Z., Yassi N., Sylaja P.N., Akbari Y., Divani A.A., Biller J., Phan T., Steinwender S., Silver B., Zand R., Basri H.B., Iqbal O.M., Ranta A., Ruland S., Macri E., Ma H., Nguyen T.N., Abootalebi S., Gupta A., Alet M., Lattanzi S., Desai M., Gagliardi R.J., Girotra T., Inoue M., Yoshimoto T., Isaac C.F., Mayer S.A., Morovatdar N., Nilanont Y., Nobleza C.O.S., Saber H., Kamenova S., Kondybayeva A., Krupinski J., Siegler J.E., Stranges S., Torbey M.T., Yorio D., Zurrú M.C., Rubinos C.A., Shahripour R.B., Borhani-Haghighi A., Napoli M.D., Azarpazhooh M.R. .
Stroke Care Trends During COVID-19 Pandemic in Zanjan Province, Iran. From the CASCADE Initiative: Statistical Analysis Plan and Preliminary Results .
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases.  2020.  29  (12):
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
Source : Scopus

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