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231. Dangprapai Y., Ngamskulrungroj P., Senawong S., Ungprasert P., Harun A. .
Development of a new scoring system to accurately estimate learning outcome achievements via single, best-answer, multiple-choice questions for preclinical students in a medical microbiology course .
Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.  2020.  21  (1):
Department : Microbiology/Physiology/Immunology/Research and Development
Journal Name : Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education
Source : Scopus
232. Dangrungroj E., Vijarnsorn C., Chanthong P., Chungsomprasong P., Kanjanauthai S., Durongpisitkul K., Soongswang J., Tantiwongkosri K., Subtaweesin T., Sriyoschati S. .
Long-term outcomes of repaired and unrepaired truncus arteriosus: 20-year, single-center experience in Thailand .
PeerJ.  2020.  8 
Department : Pediatrics/Surgery
Journal Name : PeerJ
Source : Scopus
233. Daniels D.E., Downes D.J., Ferrer-Vicens I., Ferguson D.C.J., Singleton B.K., Wilson M.C., Trakarnsanga K., Kurita R., Nakamura Y., Anstee D.J., Frayne J. .
Comparing the two leading erythroid lines BEL-A and HUDEP-2 .
Haematologica.  2020.  105  (8): E389-E394.
Department : Biochemistry
Journal Name : Haematologica
Source : Scopus
234. De Vries P.J., Belousova E., Benedik M.P., Carter T., Cottin V., Curatolo P., D'Amato L., Beure D'Augères G., Ferreira J.C., Feucht M., Fladrowski C., Hertzberg C., Jozwiak S., Lawson J.A., Macaya A., Marques R., Nabbout R., O'Callaghan F., Qin J., Sander V., Sauter M., Shah S., Takahashi Y., Touraine R., Youroukos S., Zonnenberg B., Kingswood J.C., Jansen A.C., Shinohara N., Horie S., Kubota M., Altunbasak S., Likasitwattanakul S., Nabangchang C., Chomtho L.T.K., Katanyuwong K., Sriudomkajorn S., Wilmshurst J., Segel R., Gilboa T., Tzadok M., Fattal-Valevski A., Papathanasopoulos P., Papavasiliou A.S., Giannakodimos S., TOSCA Consortium, TOSCA Investigators .
Natural clusters of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND): New findings from the TOSCA TAND research project .
Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.  2020.  12  (1):
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Source : Scopus
235. Dejjuy D., Dechsukhum C., Pattanapanyasat K., Noulsri E., Dissen G.A., Leeanansaksiri W. .
Novel WT1 Target Genes: IL-2, IL-2RB, and IL-2RG Discovered during WT1 Silencing Using Lentiviral-Based RNAi in Myeloid Leukemia Cells .
BioMed Research International.  2020.  2020 
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : BioMed Research International
Source : Scopus

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