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321. Lamichhane P.P., Puthavathana P. .
PR8 virus harbouring H5N1 NS gene contributed for THP-1 cell tropism .
VirusDisease.  2018.  29  (4): S48-S52.
Department : Microbiology
Journal Name : VirusDisease
Source : Scopus
322. Langhorne P., O'Donnell M.J., Chin S.L., Zhang H., Xavier D., Avezum A., Mathur N., Turner M., MacLeod M.J., Lopez-Jaramillo P., Damasceno A., Hankey G.J., Dans A.L., Elsayed A., Mondo C., Wasay M., Czlonkowska A., Weimar C., Yusufali A.H., Hussain F.A., Lisheng L., Diener H.-C., Ryglewicz D., Pogosova N., Iqbal R., Diaz R., Yusoff K., Oguz A., Wang X., Penaherrera E., Lanas F., Ogah O.S., Ogunniyi A., Iversen H.K., Malaga G., Rumboldt Z., Magazi D., Nilanont Y.
Practice patterns and outcomes after stroke across countries at different economic levels (INTERSTROKE): an international observational study .
The Lancet.  2018.  391  (10134): 2019-2027.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : The Lancet
Source : Scopus
323. Laohaprasitiporn P., Wongtrakul S., Vathana T., Limthongthang R., Songcharoen P. .
Is Pseudomeningocele an Absolute Sign of Root Avulsion Brachial Plexus Injury? .
The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume.  2018.  23  (3): 360-363.
Department : Orthopedic Surgery
Journal Name : The journal of hand surgery Asian-Pacific volume
Source : Scopus
324. Laokirkkiat P., Thanaboonyawat I., Boonsuk S., Petyim S., Prechapanich J., Choavaratana R. .
Increased implantation rate after intrauterine infusion of a small volume of human chorionic gonadotropin at the time of embryo transfer: a randomized, double-blind controlled study .
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.  2018. 
Department : Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal Name : Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Source : Scopus
325. Laotaveerungrueng N., Wanthong S., Wannachalee T., Lertwattanarak R. .
Prevalence of chronic microvascular complications and diabetic foot problems in patients with diabetes mellitus at siriraj hospital .
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2018.  101  (10): 1349-1355.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus

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