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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 898 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 159
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791. Upala S., Sanguankeo A. .
Metabolic syndrome increases mortality risk in dialysis patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis .
International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.  2018.  16  (2):
Department : Preventive and Social Medicine
Journal Name : International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
Source : Scopus
792. Urasyanandana K., Songsang D., Aurboonyawat T., Chankaew E., Withayasuk P., Churojana A. .
Treatment outcomes in cerebral artery dissection and literature review .
Interventional Neuroradiology.  2018. 
Department : Surgery/Radiology
Journal Name : Interventional Neuroradiology
Source : Scopus
793. Utaijaratrasmi P., Vaeteewoottacharn K., Tsunematsu T., Jamjantra P., Wongkham S., Pairojkul C., Khuntikeo N., Ishimaru N., Sirivatanauksorn Y., Pongpaibul A., Thuwajit P., Thuwajit C., Kudo Y. .
The microRNA-15a-PAI-2 axis in cholangiocarcinoma-associated fibroblasts promotes migration of cancer cells .
Molecular Cancer.  2018.  17  (1):
Department : Immunology/Surgery/Pathology
Journal Name : Molecular Cancer  / IF = 7.776
Source : Scopus
794. Van Giau V., Senanarong V., Bagyinszky E., Limwongse C., An S.S.A., Kim S. .
Identification of a novel mutation in APP gene in a thai subject with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease .
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment.  2018.  14  3015-3023.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
Source : Scopus
795. Vanichnatee T., Sitticharoon C., Maprapho P., Keadkraichaiwat I., Charoenngam N., Praditsuwan R. .
Impact of an early clinical exposure project conducted by senior clinical students compared between participating and nonparticipating students .
Advances in physiology education.  2018.  42  (4): 619-625.
Department : Physiology
Journal Name : Advances in physiology education  / IF = 1.981
Source : Scopus

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