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171. Davies A., Merli F., Mihaljević B., Mercadal S., Siritanaratkul N., Solal-Céligny P., Boehnke A., Berge C., Genevray M., Zharkov A., Dixon M., Brewster M., Barrett M., MacDonald D. .
Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous rituximab versus intravenous rituximab for first-line treatment of follicular lymphoma (SABRINA): A randomised, open-label, phase 3 trial .
The Lancet Haematology.  2017.  4  (6): e272-e282.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : The Lancet Haematology  / IF = 7.123
Source : Pubmed
172. De Kock L., Rivera B., Revil T., Thorner P., Goudie C., Bouron-Dal Soglio D., Choong C.S., Priest J.R., Van Diest P.J., Tanboon J., Wagner A., Ragoussis J., Choong P.F.M., Foulkes W.D. .
Sequencing of DICER1 in sarcomas identifies biallelic somatic DICER1 mutations in an adult-onset embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma .
British Journal of Cancer.  2017.  116  (12): 1621-1626.
Department : Pathology
Journal Name : British Journal of Cancer  / IF = 6.176
Source : Scopus
173. Densupsoontorn N, Pattaragarn A, Sujijantararat P.
Repeated sclerotherapy successfully treats child with idiopathic chyluria : a case report.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.  2017.  48  (2): 360-366.
Department : Pediatrics/Surgery
Journal Name : Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health  / IF = 0.697
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
174. Densupsoontorn N., Pattaragarn A., Sujijantararat P. .
Repeated sclerotherapy successfully treats a child with idiopathic chyluria: A case report .
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  2017.  48  (2): 360-366.
Department : Pediatrics/Surgery
Journal Name : Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health  / IF = 0.655
Source : Scopus
175. Denwattana A, Prakhunhungsit S, Thoongsuwan S, Rodanant N, Phasukkijwatana N. .
Surgical outcomes of preoperative steroid for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with associated choroidal detachment. .
Eye (Lond). 2017.  2017. 
Department : Ophthalmology
Journal Name : Eye (Lond). 2017  / IF = 2.275
Source : Pubmed

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