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161. Cravero JP, Askins N, Sriswasdi P, Tsze DS, Zurakowski D, Sinnott S. .
Validation of the Pediatric Sedation State Scale. .
Pediatrics.  2017.  139  (5):
Department : Anesthesiology
Journal Name : Pediatrics  / IF = 5.705
Source : Scopus
162. Culshaw A, Ladell K, Gras S, McLaren JE, Miners KL, Farenc C, van den Heuvel H, Gostick E, Dejnirattisai W, Wangteeraprasert A, Duangchinda T, Chotiyarnwong P, Limpitikul W, Vasanawathana S, Malasit P, Dong T, Rossjohn J, Mongkolsapaya J, Price DA, Screaton GR. .
Germline bias dictates cross-serotype reactivity in a common dengue-virus-specific CD8(+) T cell response. .
Nature Immunology.  2017.  18  (11): 1228-1237.
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : Nature Immunology  / IF = 21.506
Source : Pubmed
163. Culshaw A., Mongkolsapaya J., Screaton G.R. .
The immunopathology of dengue and Zika virus infections .
Current Opinion in Immunology.  2017.  48  1-6.
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : Current Opinion in Immunology  / IF = 8.384
Source : Scopus
164. Currier J.S., Britto P., Hoffman R.M., Brummel S., Masheto G., Joao E., Santos B., Aurpibul L., Losso M., Pierre M.F., Weinberg A., Gnanashanmugam D., Chakhtoura N., Klingman K., Browning R., Coletti A., Mofenson L., Shapiro D., Pilotto J., Bullo M., Ivalo S., Ogwu A., Kakhu T., Asmelash A., Omoz-Oarhe A., Hofer C., MacHado E., Menezes J., Sidi L.C., Pinto J., Ferreira F., Duarte G., Coutinho C.M., Sperhacke R.D., Costamilan S.M., Fernandes L.E., Mpreira L.F., Kreitchmann R., Coelho D.F., De Melo M.G., De Cassia Alves Lira R., Aristhomene L., Bonhomme J., Infante R., Rosas F., Montalban E., Rios J., Chokephaibulkit J., Anekthananon T., Achalapong J., Kantipong P., Halue G., Rasri W., Yuthavisuthi P., Techapornroong M., Prommas S., Layangool P., Bowonwatanuwong C., Chotivanich N., Tongprasert F., Sugandhavesa P., Cajahuaringa V., Weinman R., Mattiucci S., Kumar P., Timpone J., Jr., McMullen-Jackson C., Buschur S. .
Randomized trial of stopping or continuing ART among postpartum women with pre-ART CD4 ≥ 400 cells/mm3 .
PLoS One.  2017.  12  (5):
Department : Pediatrics/Preventive and social medicine
Journal Name : PLoS One  / IF = 2.806
Source : Scopus
165. Dacharux W., Chadchavalpanichaya N. .
The use of UCBL orthosis in patients with flatfoot in Foot Clinic, Siriraj Hospital .
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2017.  100  (7): 200-807.
Department : Rehabilitation Medicine/Sirindhorn School of Prosthetics and Orthotics
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand  / IF = 0.461
Source : Scopus

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