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221. Huston S.M., Ngamskulrungroj P., Xiang R.F., Ogbomo H., Stack D., Li S.S., Martina T.M., Kyei S.K., Oykhman P., Kwon-Chung K.J., Mody C.H. .
Cryptococcus gattii capsule blocks surface recognition required for dendritic cell maturation independent of internalization and antigen processing .
Journal of Immunology.  2016.  196  (3): 1259-1271.
Department : Microbiology
Journal Name : Journal of Immunology  / IF = 4.985
Source : Scopus
222. Huy BV, Teeraananchai S, Oanh LN, Tucker J, Kurniati N, Hansudewechakul R, Truong KH, Khol V, Nguyen LV, Chau Do V, Lumbiganon P, Kongstan N, Bunupuradah T, Sudjaritruk T, Kumarasamy N, Yusoff NK, Mohd Razali KA, Wati DK, Fong MS, Nallusamy R, Kariminia A, Sohn AH. .
Impact of orphan status on HIV treatment outcomes and retention in care of children and adolescents in Asia. .
J Virus Erad.  2016.  2  (4): 227-231.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : J Virus Erad
Source : Pubmed
223. Iafe N.A., Phasukkijwatana N., Chen X., Sarraf D. .
Retinal capillary density and foveal avascular zone area are age-dependent: Quantitative analysis using optical coherence tomography angiography .
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.  2016.  57  (13): 5780-5787.
Department : Ophthalmology
Journal Name : Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science  / IF = 3.427
Source : Scopus
224. Iafe N.A., Phasukkijwatana N., Sarraf D. .
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography of Type 1 Neovascularization in Age-Related Macular Degeneration .
Developments in Ophthalmology.  2016.  56  45-51.
Department : Ophthalmology
Journal Name : Developments in Ophthalmology  / IF = 1.011
Source : Scopus
225. Iamaroon A., Tamrongchote S., Sirivanasandha B., Halilamien P., Lertwanich P., Surachetpong S., Rungwattanakit P. .
Femoral nerve block versus intra-articular infiltration: A preliminary study of analgesic effects and quadriceps strength in patients undergoing arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction .
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2016.  99  (5): 578-583.
Department : Anesthesiology/Orthopedic Surgery
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand  / IF = 0.375
Source : Scopus

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