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216. Hongku K., Dias N., Sonesson B., Resch T. .
Techniques for aortic arch endovascular repair .
The Journal of cardiovascular surgery.  2016.  57  (3): 421-436.
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : The Journal of cardiovascular surgery
Source : Scopus
217. Hongku K., Dias N.V., Sonesson B., Resch T.A. .
Total aortic endovascular repair .
Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery.  2016.  57  (6): 784-805.
Department : Surgery
Journal Name : Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery  / IF = 1.632
Source : Scopus
218. Horthongkham N., Athipanyasilp N., Pattama A., Kaewnapan B., Sornprasert S., Srisurapanont S., Kantakamalakul W., Amaranond P., Sutthent R. .
Epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of influenza B virus from patients at the hospital tertiary care units in Bangkok during 2011-2014 .
PLoS ONE.  2016.  11  (7):
Department : Microbiology
Journal Name : PLoS ONE  / IF = 3.057
Source : Scopus
219. Hsu L.-Y., Apisarnthanarak A., Khan E., Suwantarat N., Ghafur A., Tambyah P. .
Carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumannii and enterobacteriaceae in South and Southeast Asia .
Clinical Microbiology Reviews.  2016.  30  (1): 1-22.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Clinical Microbiology Reviews  / IF = 16.187
Source : Scopus
220. Huang EC, Tomic MM, Hanamornroongruang S, Meserve EE, Herfs M, Crum CP. .
p16ink4 and cytokeratin 7 immunostaining in predicting HSIL outcome for low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions: a case series, literature review and commentary. .
Mod Pathol.  2016. 
Department : Pathology
Journal Name : Mod Pathol  / IF = 5.485
Source : Pubmed

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