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211. Ho A.L., Koch M.J., Tanaka S., Eichler A.F., Batchelor T.T., Tanboon J., Louis D.N., Cahill D.P., Chi A.S., Curry W.T., Jr. .
Impact of histopathological transformation and overall survival in patients with progressive anaplastic glioma .
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience.  2016.  31  99-105.
Department : Pathology
Journal Name : Journal of Clinical Neuroscience  / IF = 1.557
Source : Scopus
212. Hochhaus A, Saglio G, Hughes TP, Larson RA, Kim DW, Issaragrisil S, le Coutre PD, Etienne G, Dorlhiac-Llacer PE, Clark RE, Flinn IW, Nakamae H, Donohue B, Deng W, Dalal D, Menssen HD, Kantarjian HM. .
Long-term benefits and risks of frontline nilotinib vs imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase: 5-year update of the randomized ENESTnd trial. .
Leukemia.  2016.  30  (5): 1044-1054.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : Leukemia  / IF = 12.104
Source : ISI
213. Hodge, Kenneth; Tunghirun, Chairat; Kamkaew, Maliwan; Limjindaporn, Thawornchai; Yenchitsomanus, Pa-thai; Chimnaronk, Sarin .
Identification of a Conserved RNA-dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRp)-RNA Interface Required for Flaviviral Replication .
Journal of Biological Chemistry.  2016.  291  (33): 17437-17449.
Department : Research and Development
Journal Name : Journal of Biological Chemistry  / IF = 4.258
Source : Scopus
214. Hong SJ, Park SH, Moon JS, Shin WG, Kim JG, Lee YC, Lee DH, Jang JY, Kim JJ, Lee HL, Lee SW, Hwangbo Y, Xu J, Wang B, Xue Z, Liu F, Yuan Y, Leelakusolvong S, Dy F. .
The Benefits of Combination Therapy with Esomeprazole and Rebamipide in Symptom Improvement in Reflux Esophagitis: An International Multicenter Study. .
Gut Liver.  2016.  10  (6): 910-916.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : Gut Liver  / IF = 2.000
Source : Pubmed
215. Hongfa C., Boonprasert R. .
Effects of biological matrices and sample collection conditions on the reliability of methamphetamine analysis .
Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology.  2016.  10  (1): 88-94.
Department : Preventive and Social Medicine
Journal Name : Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology  / IF = 0.329
Source : Scopus

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