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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 934 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 186
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926. Yong H.-S., Song S.-L., Lim P.-E., Eamsobhana P., Suana I.W. .
Differentiating sibling species of Zeugodacus caudatus (Insecta: Tephritidae) by complete mitochondrial genome .
Genetica.  2016.  144  (5): 513-521.
Department : Parasitology
Journal Name : Genetica  / IF = 1.343
Source : Scopus
927. Yong H.-S., Song S.-L., Lim P.-E., Eamsobhana P., Suana I.W. .
Complete mitochondrial genome of Eurema blanda and phylogenetic relationship with its congener E. hecabe and other pierid butterflies .
Meta Gene.  2016. 
Department : Parasitology
Journal Name : Meta Gene  / IF = 0.960
Source : Scopus
928. Yong H.-S., Song S.-L., Lim P.-E., Eamsobhana P., Tan J. .
Complete mitochondrial genome and phylogeny of Microhyla butleri (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae) .
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  2016.  66  243-253.
Department : Parasitology
Journal Name : Biochemical Systematics and Ecology  / IF = 0.988
Source : Scopus
929. Yong H.-S., Song S.-L., Suana I.W., Eamsobhana P., Lim P.-E. .
Complete mitochondrial genome of Orthetrum dragonflies and molecular phylogeny of Odonata .
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  2016.  69  124-131.
Department : Parasitology
Journal Name : Biochemical Systematics and Ecology  / IF = 0.988
Source : Scopus
930. Yong HS, Song SL, Lim PE, Eamsobhana P, Suana IW. .
Complete Mitochondrial Genome of Three Bactrocera Fruit Flies of Subgenus Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Their Phylogenetic Implications. .
PLoS One.  2016.  11  (2):
Department : Parasitology
Journal Name : PLoS One  / IF = 3.234
Source : Pubmed

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