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326. Rinkaewkan P., Kuptniratsaikul V. .
The effectiveness of inpatients rehabilitation for spinal cord patients in Siriraj hospital.
Spinal Cord.  2015.  1-7.
Department : Rehabilitation Medicine
Journal Name : Spinal Cord  / IF = 1.699
Source : Pubmed
327. Rittayamai N, Brochard L. .
Recent advances in mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Eur Respir Rev.  2015.  24  (135): 132-140.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Eur Respir Rev  / IF = 7.387
Source : Pubmed
328. Rittayamai N, Tscheikuna J, Praphruetkit N, Kijpinyochai S. .
Use of High-Flow Nasal Cannula for Acute Dyspnea and Hypoxemia in the Emergency Department.
Respir Care.  2015.  60  (10): 1377-1382.
Department : Medicine, Emergency Medicine
Journal Name : Respir Care  / IF = 1.838
Source : Pubmed
329. Rittayamai, N; Katsios, CM; Beloncle, F; Friedrich, JO; Mancebo, J; Brochard, L.
Pressure-Controlled vs Volume-Controlled Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure A Physiology-Based Narrative and Systematic Review.
CHEST.  2015.  148  (2): 340-355.
Department : Department of Medicine
Journal Name : CHEST  / IF = 7.483
Source : ISI
330. Robak, T; Huang, HQ; Jin, J; Zhu, J; Liu, T; Samoilova, O; Pylypenko, H; Verhoef, G; Siritanaratkul, N; Osmanov, E; Alexeeva, J; Pereira, J; Drach, J; Mayer, J; Hong, XN; Okamoto, R; Pei, LX; Rooney, B; van de Velde, H; Cavalli, F .
Bortezomib-Based Therapy for Newly Diagnosed Mantle-Cell Lymphoma .
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE.  2015.  372  (10): 944-953.
Department : Medicine
Source : ISI

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