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306. Prayoonwiwat, N; Apiwattanakul, M; Pasogpakdee, P; Siritho, S; Chanatittarat, C; Chaikledkaew, U .
Prevalence of Idiopathic Inflammatory Demyelinating Central Nervous System Disorder in Thailand.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL.  2015.  21  (6): 824-824.
Department : Medicine
Source : ISI
307. Punlee K., Rochanasiri W., Chaithiraphan V., Phrudprisan S., Nimmannit A., Udol K.
Effect of breast sling use on transthoracic echocardiographic examination time and image quality in women with large breasts .
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2015.  98  (6): 589-595.
Department : Department of Research and Development, preventive and social medicine and Her Majesty Cardiac Center
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand  / IF = 0.146
Source : Scopus
308. Punyadee N, Mairiang D, Thiemmeca S, Komoltri C, Pan-Ngum W, Chomanee N, Charngkaew K, Tangthawornchaikul N, Limpitikul W, Vasanawathana S, Malasit P, Avirutnan P. .
Microparticles provide a novel biomarker to predict severe clinical outcomes of dengue virus infection.
J Virol.  2015.  89  (3): 1587-1607.
Department : Office for Research and Development/Pathology
Journal Name : J Virol  / IF = 4.648
Source : Pubmed
309. Qayyum R, Becker LC, Becker DM, Faraday N, Yanek LR, Leal SM, Shaw C, Mathias R, Suktitipat B, Bray PF. .
Genome-wide association study of platelet aggregation in African Americans. .
BMC Genet.  2015.  16  (1): 58.
Department : Biochemistry
Journal Name : BMC Genet  / IF = 2.397
Source : Pubmed
310. Quek, RHH; Farid, M; Wang, E; Asavamongkolkul, A; Leung, A; Prayogo, N; Punyaratabandhu, T; Yeoh, EM; Shantakumar, S; Manson, S; Ngan, RKC.
Epidemiology, treatment (tx) patterns and outcomes in Asian soft tissue sarcoma (STS) patients: Results from the Soft Tissue Sarcoma in the Asia Pacific Region (STAR) study.
Department : Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Journal Name : JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY  / IF = 18.428
Source : ISI

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