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351. Prachayakul V, Phisalprapa P, Aswakul P. .
Infected Walled-Off Pancreatic Necrosis following EUS-Guided Drainage Successfully Treated Using Multiple Stents in Different Sites Technique.
Case Rep Gastroenterol .  2013.  7  (3): 404-408.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Case Rep Gastroenterol  / IF = 0.191
Source : Pubmed
352. Prachayakul V., Aswakul P. .
A novel technique for endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage .
World Journal of Gastroenterology.  2013.  19  (29): 4758-4763.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : World Journal of Gastroenterology  / IF = 2.547
Source : Scopus
353. Prachayakul V., Aswakul P., Chantarojanasiri T., Leelakusolvong S. .
Factors influencing clinical outcomes of Histoacryl® glue injection-treated gastric variceal hemorrhage.
World Journal of Gastroenterology.  2013.  19  (5): 2379-2387.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : World Journal of Gastroenterology  / IF = 2.471
Source : Scopus
354. Prachayakul V., Aswakul P., Deesomsak M., Pongpaibul A. .
Multifocal plasmacytoma presenting with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, chronic diarrhea, and multiple sites of small-bowel intussusception.
Endoscopy.  2013.  45  (SUPPL2): E84-E85.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Endoscopy  / IF = 5.210
Source : Pubmed
355. Prachayakul V., Aswakul P., Deesomsak M., Pongpaibul A., .
Gastric somatostatinoma: An extremely rare cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Clinical Endoscopy.  2013.  46  (5): 582-585.
Department : Medicine/ Pathology
Journal Name : Clinical Endoscopy
Source : Scopus

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