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261. Mitrpant, C.; Porensky, P. N.; Zhou, H.; Price, L.; Muntoni, F.; Fletcher, S.; Wilton, S. D.; Burghes, A. H. M. .
Improved antisense oligonucleotide design to suppress aberrant SMN2 gene transcript processing.
NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS.  2013.  23  (9-10):
Department : Biochemistry
Journal Name : NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS  / IF = 3.464
Source : Pubmed
262. Mitrpant, C; Porensky, P; Zhou, HY; Price, L; Muntoni, F; Fletcher, S; Wilton, SD; Burghes, AHM .
Improved Antisense Oligonucleotide Design to Suppress Aberrant SMN2 Gene Transcript Processing: Towards a Treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy .
PLOS ONE.  2013.  8  (4):
Department : Biochemistry
Journal Name : PLOS ONE
Source : ISI
263. Morchang A, Panaampon J, Suttitheptumrong A, Yasamut U, Noisakran S, Yenchitsomanus PT, Limjindaporn T. .
Role of cathepsin B in dengue virus-mediated apoptosis. .
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.  2013. 
Department : Office fot Research and Development/Biochemistry
Journal Name : Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Source : Pubmed
264. Muangchan C., Pope J.E., .
The significance of interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in systemic sclerosis: A systematic literature review.
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology .  2013.  31  (SUPPL.76): S122-S134.
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology  / IF = 2.665
Source : Scopus
265. Muangchan C; Canadian Scleroderma Research Group, Baron M, Pope J. .
The 15% Rule in Scleroderma: The Frequency of Severe Organ Complications in Systemic Sclerosis. A Systematic Review. .
The Journal of Rheumatology.  2013. 
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : The Journal of Rheumatology  / IF = 3.258
Source : Pubmed

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