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96. Chaudhary R., Likidlilid A., Peerapatdit T., Tresukosol D., Srisuma S., Ratanamaneechat S., Sriratanasathavorn C.
Apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism: Effects on plasma lipids and risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary artery disease. .
Cardiovascular Diabetology.  2012.  11  36.
Department : Biochemistry / Medicine / Physiology / Preventive and Social Medicine / Her Majesty's Cardiac Center
Journal Name : Cardiovascular Diabetology  / IF = 3.346  / h index = 26
Source : Pubmed
97. Chavanayarn C, Thanongsaksrikul J, Thueng-In K, Bangphoomi K, Sookrung N, Chaicumpa W. .
Humanized-single domain antibodies (VH/VHH) that bound specifically to Naja kaouthia phospholipase A2 and neutralized the enzymatic activity.

Toxins (Basel).  2012.  4  (7): 554-567.
Department : Parasitology
Journal Name : Toxins (Basel)
Source : ISI
98. Chawalparit, O; Pienpuck, W; Jitpratoom, P; Siritho, S; Prayoonwiwat, N .
Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Thai Patients with Seropositive Anti-AQP4 Antibody

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL.  2012.  18  (4): 530-531.
Department : Radiology/ Medicine
Source : ISI
99. Chawanpaiboon S., Sutantawibul A. .
Effect of cervical length to the efficacy of nifedipine and bed rest for inhibiting threatened preterm labor

Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2012.  95  (5): 636-643.
Department : Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Pubmed
100. Chayachinda C, Thamkhantho M, Bhuwapathanapun M, Srinilta A. .
Septic abortion: A 5-year experience at Siriraj hospital

Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2012.  95  (3): 307-312.
Department : Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Pubmed

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