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406. Sritippayawan S., Sri-Singh K., Prapphal N., Samransamruajkit R., Deerojanawong J.
Multidrug-resistant hospital-associated infections in a pediatric intensive care unit: a cross-sectional survey in a Thai university hospital .
International Journal of Infectious Diseases.  2008. 
Journal Name : International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Source : Scopus
407. Sriussadaporn S., Pak-Art R., Sriussadaporn S., Kritayakirana K., Prichayudh S.
Pancreaticoduodenectomy with external drainage of the pancreatic remnant .
Asian Journal of Surgery.  2008.  31  (4): 167-173.
Journal Name : Asian Journal of Surgery
Source : Scopus
408. Srivannaboon S, Rakpanichmanee T.
Correlation factors for posterior corneal curvature after myopic LASIK.
Siriraj Medical Journal.  2008.  60  (1): 4-6.
Department : Ophthalmology
Journal Name : Siriraj Medical Journal
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
409. Srivannaboon S., Rakpanichmanee T., Cheng A.C.K., Fam H.-B.
Estimation of posterior corneal power for IOL calculation after myopic LASIK .
Journal of Refractive Surgery.  2008.  24  (9): 946-951.
Journal Name : Journal of Refractive Surgery
Source : Scopus
410. Sriwijitkamol A., Musi N.
Advances in the development of AMPK-activating compounds.
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery.  2008.  3  (10): 1167-1176.
Journal Name : Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery
Source : Scopus

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