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181. Kasetsinsombat K., Huabprasert S., Somjitprasert T., Wamanutajinda V., Maneechotesuwan K., Wongkajornsilp A.
Switching of Th1/Th2 expression profiles on CD4(+) T cells after the incubation with dendritic cells pulsed with mite extract allergens.
Acta Pharmacologica Sinica.  2006.  27 
Journal Name : Acta Pharmacologica Sinica
Source : ISI
182. Katchamart W., Li X.Y., Bombardier C.
Direct and indirect costs of rheumatoid arthritis are strongly correlated with disease activity and functional status.
Arthritis and Rheumatism.  2006.  54 
Journal Name : Arthritis and Rheumatism
Source : ISI
183. Kaufman D.W., Kelly J.P., Issaragrisil S., Laporte J.-R., Anderson T., Levy M., Shapiro S., Young N.S.
Relative incidence of agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia.
American Journal of Hematology.  2006.  81  (1): 65-67.
Journal Name : American Journal of Hematology
Source : Scopus
184. Kessler U., Mungnirandr A., Nelle M., Nimmo A.F., Zachariou Z., Berger S. .
A simple presurgical necrotizing enterocolitis-mortality scoring system.
Journal of Perinatology.  2006.  26 
Journal Name : Journal of Perinatology
Source : Scopus
185. Keyurapan E., Hu S.J., Streiff M.B., Fayad L.M., McFarland E.G.
Iatrogenic symptomatic chest wall hematoma after shoulder arthroplasty: A report of two cases  .
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A.  2006.  88 
Journal Name : Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery - Series A
Source : Scopus

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