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91. Chayakulkeeree M., Ghannoum M.A., Perfect J.R.
Zygomycosis: the re-emerging fungal infection.
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.  2006.  25 
Journal Name : European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Source : Scopus
92. Chayakulkeeree M., Perfect J.R.
Infectious Disease Clinics of North America.  2006.  20  (3): 507-544.
Journal Name : Infectious Disease Clinics of North America
Source : Scopus
93. Chearskul P., Rongkavilit C., Al-Tatari H., Asmar B.
New antiretroviral drugs in clinical use  .
Indian Journal of Pediatrics.  2006.  73 
Journal Name : Indian Journal of Pediatrics
Source : Scopus
94. Chearskul P., Rongkavilit C., Asmar B.I.
Invasive bacterial infections caused by extended-spectrum B-lactamase (ESBL) producing microorganisms in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) setting.
Pediatric Research.  2006.  60 
Journal Name : Pediatric Research
Source : ISI
95. Chearskul S.
Endocrine aspects of pregnancy.
Siriraj Medical Journal.  2006.  58  (8): 977-979.
Journal Name : Siriraj Medical Journal
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล

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