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181. Wanachiwanawin W., Luengrojanakul P., Sirangkapracha P., Leowattana W., Fucharoen S.
Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Thai Patients with Thalassemia.
International Journal of Hematology.  2003.  78  (4): 374-378.
Journal Name : International Journal of Hematology
Source : Scopus
182. Wang Q.F., Cleaves R., Kummalue T., Nerlov C., Friedman A.D.
Cell cycle inhibition mediated by the outer surface of the C/EBPalpha basic region is required but not sufficient for granulopoiesis.
Oncogene.  2003.  22  (17): 2548-2557.
Journal Name : Oncogene
Source : Pubmed
183. Wasant P., Liammongkolkul S.
Prenatal genetic screening for Down syndrome and open neural tube defects using maternal serum markers in Thai pregnant women.
The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health.  2003.  34 Suppl 3  244-248.
Journal Name : The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
Source : Scopus
184. Watanapa P.
Mini-cholecystectomy: A personal series in acute and chronic cholecystitis.
HPB.  2003.  5  (4): 231-234.
Journal Name : HPB
Source : Scopus
185. Wongsurakiat P., Lertakyamanee J., Maranetra K.N., Jongriratanakul S., Sangkaew S.
Economic evaluation of influenza vaccination in Thai chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2003.  86  (6): 497-508.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus

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