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166. Katchamart W., Faulkner A., Feldman B., Tomlinson G., Bombardier C.
PubMed had a higher sensitivity than Ovid-MEDLINE in the search for systematic reviews.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.  2011.  64  (7): 805-807 .
Department : Medicine
Journal Name : Journal of Clinical Epidemiology  / IF = 3.753  / h index = 108
Source : Scopus
167. Keating G.M., Buti M., Gadano A., Kao J.-H., Lee C.-M., Peng C.-Y., Schiff E.R., Tanwandee T.
Entecavir: A review of its use in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in patients with decompensated liver disease.
Drugs.  2011.  71  (18): 2511-2529.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : Drugs  / IF = 3.738  / h index = 112
Source : Scopus
168. Kerdpanich, A. Chokephaibulkit, K. Watanaveeradej, V. Vanprapar, N. Simasathien, S. Phavichitr, N. Bock, H. L. Damaso, S. Hutagalung, Y. Han, H. H.
Immunogenicity of a human rotavirus vaccine (RIX4414) after storage at 37 degrees C for seven days.
Human Vaccines.  2011.  7  (1): 74-80.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Human Vaccines  / IF = 1.940  / h index = 17
Source : Pubmed
169. Kiattisunthorn K., Moe S.M.
Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder: Definitions and Rationale for a Systemic Disorder.
Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism.  2011.  1-9.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : Clinical Reviews in Bone and Mineral Metabolism  / h index = 7
Source : Scopus
170. Kiattisunthorn K., Wutyam K., Indranoi A., Vasuvattakul S.
Randomized trial comparing pulse calcitriol and alfacalcidol for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in haemodialysis patients.
Nephrology.  2011.  16  (3): 277-284.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : Nephrology  / IF = 1.219  / h index = 22
Source : Scopus
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