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71. Bunyaratavej N., Soontrapa S., Songpatanasilp T., Leerapun T.
A survey of osteoporosis in Thailand.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet.  2009.  92 Suppl5  S54-S59.
Department : Orthopedic Surgery
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet  / IF = 0.239  / h index = 18
Source : Scopus
72. Bunyaratavej N., Wajanavisit W., Pauvilai P., Kitumnuoypong T., Kittimanon N., Lektrakoon S.
Safety and antisorptive power of Ibandronate applied in the real-life setting.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet.  2009.  92 Suppl5  S72-S75.
Department : Orthopedic Surgery
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet  / IF = 0.239  / h index = 18
Source : Scopus
73. Cain, KP; Anekthananon, T; Burapat, C; Akksilp, S; Mankhatitham, W; Srinalk, C; Nateniyom, S; Sattayawuthipong, W; Tasaneeyapan, T; Varma, JK.
Causes of Death in HIV-infected Persons Who Have Tuberculosis, Thailand .
EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES.  2009.  15  (2): 258-264.
Department : -
Journal Name : EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES  / IF = 6.449  / h index = 89
Source : ISI
74. Cappellini, M. D. Porter, J. El-Beshlawy, A. Li, C. K. Seymour, J. F. Elalfy, M. Gattermann, N. Giraudier, S. Lee, J. W. Chan, L. L. Lin, K. H. Rose, C. Taher, A. Thein, S. L. Viprakasit, V. Habr, D. Domokos, G. Roubert, B. Kattamis, A.
Tailoring iron chelation by iron intake and serum ferritin: the prospective EPIC study of deferasirox in 1744 patients with transfusion-dependent anemias.
Haematologica.  2009.  95  (4): 557-566.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Haematologica  / h index = 62
Source : Pubmed
75. Carter-Kent, C; Yerian, L; Brunt, E; Angulo, P; Kohli, R; Ling, S; Xanthakos, S; Whitington, P; Charatcharoenwitthaya, P; Yap, J; Lopez, R; Alkhouri, N; McCullough, A; Feldstein, A.
The Relationship of Steatosis Grade, Zone and Type to Key Histological Features in Children with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY  / IF = 6.444  / h index = 128
Source : ISI
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