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56. Boonyasirinant, T; Setser, RM; Desai, MY; Flamm, SD.
Impact of Myocardial Fibrosis on Systolic Strain and Diastolic Performance Quantified by Myocardial Tagging and Velocity Encoded MRI in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.
JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE.  2009.  15  (6): 208-208.
Department : medicine
Journal Name : JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE  / IF = 3.691  / h index = 48
Source : ISI
57. Borowiec M., Liew C.W., Thompson R., Boonyasrisawat W., Hu J., Mlynarski W.M., El Khattabi I., Kim S.-H., Marselli L., Rich S.S., Krolewski A.S., Bonner-Weir S., Sharma A., Sale M., Mychaleckyj J.C., Kulkarni R.N., Doria A.
Mutations at the BLK locus linked to maturity onset diabetes of the young and β-cell dysfunction.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.  2009.  106  (34): 14460-14465.
Department : Immunology
Journal Name : Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  / IF = 9.380  / h index = 383
Source : Scopus
58. Bostik, P; Kobkitjaroen, J; Tang, W; Villinger, F; Pereira, LE; Little, DM; Stephenson, ST; Bouzyk, M; Ansari, AA.
Decreased NK Cell Frequency and Function Is Associated with Increased Risk of KIR3DL Allele Polymorphism in Simian Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Rhesus Macaques with High Viral Loads .
JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY.  2009.  182  (6): 3638-3649.
Department : Clinical Pathology
Journal Name : JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY  / IF = 6.000  / h index = 200
Source : ISI
59. Breitbach K., Sun G.W., Kohler J., Eske K., Wongprompitak P., Tan G., Liu Y., Gan Y.-H., Steinmetz I.
Caspase-1 mediates resistance in murine melioidosis.
Infection and Immunity.  2009.  77  (4): 1589-1595.
Department : Immunology
Journal Name : Infection and Immunity  / IF = 3.987  / h index = 120
Source : Scopus
60. Brink S., Laffel L., Likitmaskul S., Liu L., Maguire A.M., Olsen B., Silink M., Hanas R.
Sick day management in children and adolescents with diabetes.
Pediatric Diabetes.  2009.  10  (SUPPL. 12): 146-153.
Department : Pediatrics
Journal Name : Pediatric Diabetes  / IF = 2.424  / h index = 20
Source : Scopus
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