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126. Hollingworth W., Vavilala M.S., Jarvik J.G., Chaudhry S., Johnston B.D., Layman S., Tontisirin N., Muangman S.L, Wang M.C.
The use of repeated head computed tomography in pediatric blunt head trauma: Factors predicting new and worsening brain injury  .
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.  2007.  8  (4):
Journal Name : Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Source : Scopus
127. Homsanit M., Nelson K.E., Sonjai A., Anekthananon T., Suwanagool S., Cofrancesco J.
Body shape and metabolic abnormalities in Thai HIV-infected patients.
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses.  2007.  23 
Journal Name : AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
Source : ISI
128. Horthongkham N., Srihtrakul T., Athipanyasilp N., Siritantikorn S., Kantakamalakul W., Poovorawan Y., Sutthent R.
Specific antibody response of mice after immunization with COS-7 cell derived avian influenza virus (H5N1) recombinant proteins.
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines.  2007.  3  (5):
Journal Name : Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines
Source : Scopus
129. Hourfar M.K., Themann A., Eickmann M., Puthavathana P., Laue T., Seifried E., Schmidt M.
Blood screening for influenza.
Emerging Infectious Diseases.  2007.  13  (7):
Journal Name : Emerging Infectious Diseases
Source : Scopus
130. Hsu J.-T., Chang C.-H., An K.-N., Zobitz M.E., Phimolsarnti R., Hugate R.R., Lai K.-A.
Effects of screw eccentricity on the initial stability of the acetabular cup.
International Orthopaedics.  2007.  31  (4):
Journal Name : International Orthopaedics
Source : Scopus
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