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111. Ekpo P., Rungpanich U., Pongsunk S., Naigowit P., Petkanchanapong V.
Use of protein-specific monoclonal antibody-based latex agglutination for rapid diagnosis of Burkholderia pseudomallei infection in patients with community-acquired septicemia.
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology.  2007.  14  (6): 811-812.
Journal Name : Clinical and Vaccine Immunology
Source : Scopus
112. Elsayes K.M., Narra V.R., Dillman J.R., Velcheti V., Hameed O., Tongdee R., Menias C.O.
Vaginal Masses: Magnetic resonance imaging features with pathologic correlation  .
Acta Radiologica.  2007.  48  (8):
Journal Name : Acta Radiologica
Source : Scopus
113. Escand?n P., Ngamskulrungroj P., Meyer W., Casta?eda E.
In vitro mating of Colombian isolates of the Cryptococcus neoformans species complex.
Biomedica.  2007.  27  (2):
Journal Name : Biomedica
Source : Scopus
114. Falkensammer B., Pilz G., Bektic J., Imwidthaya P., Johrer K., Speth C., Lass-Florl C., Dierich M.P., Wurzner R.
Absent reduction by HIV protease inhibitors of Candida albicans adhesion to endothelial cells.
Mycoses.  2007.  50  (3): 172-177.
Journal Name : Mycoses
Source : Scopus
115. Farmer K.W., Hammond J.W., Queale W.S., Keyurapan E., McFarland E.G.
Shoulder arthroplasty versus hip and knee arthroplasties: A comparison of outcomes.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.  2007.  455 
Journal Name : Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Source : Scopus
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