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91. Chotiyarnwong P., Stewart-Jones G.B., Tarry M.J., Dejnirattisai W., Siebold C., Koch M., Stuart D.I., Harlos K., Malasit P., Screaton G., Mongkolsapaya J., Jones E.Y.
Humidity control as a strategy for lattice optimization applied to crystals of HLA-A*1101 complexed with variant peptides from dengue virus.
Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications.  2007.  63  (5): 386-392.
Journal Name : Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications
Source : Scopus
92. Chuangsuwanich A., Gunjittisomrarn S.
The efficacy of 5% imiquimod cream in the prevention of recurrence of excised keloids.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2007.  90  (7): 1363-1367.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
93. Chuckpaiwong B., Cook C., Nunley J.A.
Stress fractures of the second metatarsal base occur in nondancers.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.  2007.  (461):
Journal Name : Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Source : Scopus
94. Chuckpaiwong B., Cook C., Pietrobon R., Nunley J.A.
Second metatarsal stress fracture in sport: Comparative risk factors between proximal and non-proximal locations.
British Journal of Sports Medicine.  2007.  41  (8):
Journal Name : British Journal of Sports Medicine
Source : Scopus
95. Chuenkongkaew W., Chirapapaisan N., Hongyok T., Yoolek A.
Isolated optic neuritis from an identified Gnathostoma spinigerum.
European Journal of Ophthalmology.  2007.  17  (1): 130-132.
Journal Name : European Journal of Ophthalmology
Source : Scopus
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