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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 569 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 9
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41. Birukova A.A., Chatchavalvanich S., Burdette D.O., Birukov K.G.
Anti-inflammatory effects by different groups of oxidized phospholipids.
Journal of Investigetive Medicine.  2006.  54  S345-S345.
Journal Name : Journal of Investigetive Medicine
Source : ISI
42. Birukova A.A., Chatchavalvanich S., Rios A., Kawkitinarong K., Garcia J.G., Birukov K.G.
Differential regulation of pulmonary endothelial monolayer integrity by varying degrees of cyclic stretch .
American Journal of Pathology.  2006.  168  (5): 1749-1761.
Department : Physiology
Journal Name : American Journal of Pathology  / IF = 5.917
Source : Scopus
43. Bollen L.J.M., Chuachoowong R., Kilmarx P.H., Mock P.A., Culnane M., Skunodom N., Chaowanachan T., Jetswang B., Neeyapun K., Asavapiriyanont S., Roongpisuthipong A., Wright T.C., Tappero J.W.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) detection among human immunodeficiency virus-infected pregnant Thai women: Implications for future HPV immunization.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  2006.  33  (4): 259-264.
Journal Name : Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Source : Scopus
44. Boonchai W.
Treatment of precancerous and cancerous lesions of chronic arsenicism with 5% imiquimod cream.
Archives of Dermatology.  2006.  142  (4): 531-532.
Journal Name : Archives of Dermatology
Source : Scopus
45. Boriboonhirunsarn D., Talungjit P., Sunsaneevithayakul P., Sirisomboon R.
Adverse pregnancy outcomes in gestational diabetes mellitus.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2006.  89  (SUPPL. 4):
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
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