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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 569 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 7
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31. Avirutnan P., Punyadee N., Noisakran S., Thiemmeca S., Auethavornanan K., Jairungsri A., Kanlaya R., Tangthawornchaikul N., Puttikhunt C., Pattanakitsakul S.N., Yenchitsomanus P.T., Mongkolsapaya J., Kasinrerk W., Sittisombut N., Husmann M., Blettner M., Vasanawathana S., Bhakdi S., Malasit P.
Vascular leakage in severe Dengue virus infections: a role for the non-structural viral protein NS1 and complement.
Molecular Immunology.  2006.  43  (1-2): 174-174.
Journal Name : Molecular Immunology
Source : ISI
32. Banhiran W., Sargi Z., Collins W., Kaza S., Casiano R. .
Long-term effect of stenting after an endoscopic modified Lothrop procedure.
American Journal of Rhinology.  2006.  20 
Journal Name : American Journal of Rhinology
Source : Scopus
33. Bao S.D., Wu Q.L., Sathornsumetee S., Hao Y.L., Li Z.Z., Hjelmeland A.B., Shi O., McLendon R.E., Bigner D.D., Rich J.N.
Stem cell-like glioma cells promote tumor angiogenesis through vascular endothelial growth factor.
Cancer Research.  2006.  66 
Journal Name : Cancer Research
Source : Scopus
34. Bao S.D., Wu Q.L., Sathornsumetee S., Hao Y.L., Li Z.Z., Hjelmeland A.B., Shi Q., McLendon R.E., Bigner D.D., Rich J.N.
Glioma cancer stem cells promote tumor angiogenesis through vascular endothelial growth factor.
Neuro-Oncology.  2006.  8 
Journal Name : Neuro-Oncology
Source : ISI
35. Bejrachandra S., Saipin J., Nathalang O., Siriboonrit U., Rungroung E., Udee S.
External quality assessment scheme in red blood cell serology: A 5-year experience in Thailand.
Immunohematology.  2006.  22  (1): 1-5.
Journal Name : Immunohematology
Source : Scopus
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