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61. Chaikomin R., Rayner C.K., Jones K.L., Horowitz M.
Upper gastrointestinal function and glycemic control in diabetes mellitus.
World Journal of Gastroenterology.  2006.  12 
Journal Name : World Journal of Gastroenterology
Source : Scopus
62. Chaikomin R., Russo A., Rayner C.K., Feinle-Bisset C., O'Donovan D.G., Horowitz M., Jones K.L.
Effects of lipase inhibition on gastric emptying and alcohol absorption in healthy subjects.
British Journal of Nutrition.  2006.  96 
Journal Name : British Journal of Nutrition
Source : Scopus
63. Chainuvati S., Khalid S.K., Kancir S., Shea M., Edwards J., Sernyak M., Wongcharatrawee S., Garcia-Tsao G.
Comparison of hepatitis C treatment patterns in patients with and without psychiatric and/or substance use disorders.
Journal of Viral Hepatitis.  2006.  13 
Journal Name : Journal of Viral Hepatitis
Source : Scopus
64. Chaiprasert A., Prammananan T., Tingtoy N., Na-Ubol P., Srimuang S., Samerpitak K., Rangsipanuratn W.
One-tube multiplex PCR method for rapid identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  2006.  37  (3): 494-502.
Journal Name : Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Source : Scopus
65. Chaiprasert A., Yorsangsukkamol J., Prammananan T., Palittapongarnpim P., Leechawengwong M., Dhiraputra C.
Intact pks15/1 in non-W-Beijing Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates.
Emerging Infectious Diseases.  2006.  12  (5): 772-774.
Journal Name : Emerging Infectious Diseases
Source : Scopus
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