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66. Kulthanan K., Tiprungkorn P., Linpiyawan R.
Cutaneous reaction to oral antihistamine [7].
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology.  2003.  28  (2): 229-230.
Journal Name : Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Source : Scopus
67. Kummalue T., Friedman A.D.
Cross-talk between regulators of myeloid development: C/EBPalpha binds and activates the promoter of the PU.1 gene.
Journal of Leukocyte Biology.  2003.  74  (3): 464-470.
Journal Name : Journal of Leukocyte Biology
Source : Pubmed
68. Kunnika Chatyingmongkol, Jantima Roongruangchai.
Histology of the Carotid Body.
Siriraj Med j.  2003.  55  (10): 580-586.
Department : Anatomy
Journal Name : Siriraj Med j
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
69. Kuptniratsaikul V.
Epidemiology of Spinal Cord Injuries: A Study in the Spinal Unit, Siriraj Hospital, Thailand, 1997-2000.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2003.  86  (12): 1116-1121.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
70. Kwan A.C.-P., Bao T.N., Chakkaphak S., Chang F.-Y., Ke M.Y., Law N.M., Leelakusolvong S., Luo J.Y., Manan C., Park H.J., Piyaniran W., Qureshi A., Long T., Xu G.M., Xu L., Yuen H.
Validation of Rome II criteria for functional gastrointestinal disorders by factor analysis of symptoms in Asian patient sample.
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.  2003.  18  (7): 796-802.
Journal Name : Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Source : Scopus
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