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46. Foongladda S., Haouharn P., Sakulmaiwatana P., Chaiprasert A.
Comparative evaluation of Candi Select test and conventional methods for identification of Candida albicans in routine clinical isolates.
Mycoses.  2002.  45  (3-เม.ย.): 75-78.
Journal Name : Mycoses
Source : Scopus
47. Foongladda S., Roengsanthia D., Arjrattanakool W., Chuchottaworn C., Chaiprasert A., Franzblau S.G.
Rapid and simple MTT method for rifampicin and isoniazid susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease.  2002.  6  (12): 1118-1122.
Journal Name : International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Source : Scopus
48. Fukada K., Tomiyama H., Wasi C., Matsuda T., Kusagawa S., Sato H., Oka S., Takebe Y., Takiguchi M.
Cytotoxic T-cell recognition of HIV-1 cross-clade and clade-specific epitopes in HIV-1-infected Thai and Japanese patients.
AIDS.  2002.  16  (5): 701-711.
Journal Name : AIDS
Source : Scopus
49. Gatei W., Suputtamongkol Y., Waywa D., Ashford R.W., Bailey J.W., Greensill J., Beeching N.J., Hart C.A.
Zoonotic species of Cryptosporidium are as prevalent as the anthroponotic in HIV-infected patients in Thailand.
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology.  2002.  96  (8): 797-802.
Journal Name : Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Source : Scopus
50. Inthasorn P., Carter J., Valmadre S., Beale P., Russell P., Dalrymple C.
Analysis of clinicopathologic factors in malignant mixed Muฬˆllerian tumors of the uterine corpus.
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.  2002.  12  (4): 348-353.
Journal Name : International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Source : Scopus
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