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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 156 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 19
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91. Poungvarin N.
The first world report of botulinum A toxin injection for status migrainosus.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2001.  84  (8): 1199-1203.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
92. Prabhasawat P., Booranapong W., Kosrirukvongs P., Vajaradul Y.
Amniotic membrane transplantation for ocular surface reconstruction.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2001.  84  (5): 705-718.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
93. Prabhasawat P., Tesavibul N., Komolsuradej W.
Single and multilayer amniotic membrane transplantation for persistent corneal epithelial defect with and without stromal thinning and perforation.
British Journal of Ophthalmology.  2001.  85  (12): 1455-1463.
Journal Name : British Journal of Ophthalmology
Source : Scopus
94. Prateepavanich P., Santisatisakul P., Charoensak T., Thanapipatsiri S., Somshevita P.
The effectiveness of Lumbosacral corset in symptomatic degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  2001.  84  (4): 572-576.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
95. Pravatmuang P., Sae-Ngow B., Whanpuch T., Leowattana W.
Effect of HbE and HbH on HbA1C level by ionic exchange HPLC comparing to immunoturbidimetry.
Clinica Chimica Acta.  2001.  313  (39114): 171-178.
Journal Name : Clinica Chimica Acta
Source : Scopus
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