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56. Nana A., Youngchaiyud P., Charoenratanakul S., Boe J., Lofdahl C.-G., Selroos O., Stahl E.
High-dose inhaled budesonide may substitute for oral therapy after an acute asthma attack.
Journal of Asthma.  1998.  35  (8): 647-655.
Journal Name : Journal of Asthma
Source : Scopus
57. Nana A., Youngchaiyud P., Maranetra N., Boe J., Lofdahl C.-G., Selroos O., Stahl E.
ฮฒ2-agonists administered by a dry powder inhaler can be used in acute asthma.
Respiratory Medicine.  1998.  92  (2): 167-172.
Journal Name : Respiratory Medicine
Source : Scopus
58. Nitiyanant W., Ploybutr S., Sriussadaporn S., Yamwong P., Vannasaeng S.
Evaluation of the new fasting plasma glucose cutpoint of 7.0 mmol/l in detection of diabetes mellitus in the Thai population.
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.  1998.  41  (3): 171-176.
Journal Name : Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Source : Scopus
59. Pajareya K., Anannontsak A., Paileeklee S.
Functional Skills after Rehabilitation for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1998.  81  (5): 310-315.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
60. Pattanapanyasat K., Thepthai C., Thepthai A., Lerdwana S., Darden J.M.
Evaluation of monoclonal antibody reagents from three different manufacturers using flow cytometric two-color immunophenotyping.
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology.  1998.  16  (4): 185-192.
Journal Name : Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology
Source : Scopus
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