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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 131 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 2
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6. Assantachai P., Yamwong P., Chongsuphaijaisiddhi T.
Relationships of Vitamin B1, B12, Folate and the Cognitive Ability of the Thai Rural Elderly.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1997.  80  (11): 700-704.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
7. Banjerdpongchai R., Wilairat P., Fucharoen S., Bunyaratvej A.
Morphological alterations and apoptosis of endothelial cells induced by thalassemic serum in vitro.
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  1997.  28  149-154.
Journal Name : Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Source : Scopus
8. Boonchai W., Leenutaphong V.
Familial presenile sebaceous gland hyperplasia.
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.  1997.  36  (1): 120-122.
Journal Name : Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Source : Scopus
9. Bovornkitti S., Limlomwongse L.
Environment and the ageing lung.
Respirology.  1997.  2  (3): 169-172.
Journal Name : Respirology
Source : Scopus
10. Buabut B., Chiewsilp P., Patanapanyasat K., Jirasiritham S., Mavichak V., Sujirachato K., Mongkolsuk T.
Crossmatching Technique Facilitating Kidney Transplantation.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1997.  80  (SUPPL. 1):
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
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