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ค้นพบข้อมูลทั้งหมด 131 รายการ แสดงหน้าละ 5 รายการ  /   ขณะนี้คุณอยู่หน้าที่ 18
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86. Siripurkpong P., Harnyuttanakorn P., Chindaduangratana C., Kotchabhakdi N., Wichyanuwat P., Casalotti S.O.
Dexamethasone, but not stress, induce measurable changes of mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor mRNA levels in rats.
European Journal of Pharmacology.  1997.  331  (39143): 227-235.
Journal Name : European Journal of Pharmacology
Source : Scopus
87. Siritantikorn S., Laiwejpithaya S., Siripanyaphinyo U., Auewarakul P., Yenchitsomanus P.-T., Thakernpol K., Wasi C.
Detection and typing of human papilloma virus DNAs in normal cervix, intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer in Bangkok.
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.  1997.  28  (4): 707-710.
Journal Name : Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Source : Scopus
88. Sivin I., Diaz S., Croxatto H.B., Miranda P., Shaaban M., Sayed E.H., Xiao B., Wu S.-C., Du M.-K., Alvarez F., Brache V., Basnayake S., McCarthy T., Lacarra M., Mishell Jr. D.R., Koetsawang S., Stern J., Jackanicz T.
Contraceptives for lactating women: A comparative trial of a progesterone-releasing vaginal ring and the Copper T 380A IUD.
Contraception.  1997.  55  (4): 225-232.
Journal Name : Contraception
Source : Scopus
89. Sivin I., Lahteenmaki P., Ranta S., Darney P., Klaisle C., Wan L., Mishell Jr. D.R., Lacarra M., Viegas O.A.C., Bilhareus P., Koetsawang S., Piya-Anant M., Diaz S., Pavez M., Alvarez F., Brache V., LaGuardia K., Nash H., Stern J.
Levonorgestrel concentrations during use of levonorgestrel rod (LNG ROD) implants.
Contraception.  1997.  55  (2): 81-85.
Journal Name : Contraception
Source : Scopus
90. Sivin I., Viegas O., Campodonico I., Diaz S., Pavez M., Wan L., Koetsawang S., Kiriwat O., Piya Anant M., Holma P., El Din Abdalla K., Stern J.
Clinical performance of a new two-rod levonorgestrel contraceptive implant: A three-year randomized study with Norplantยฎ implants as controls.
Contraception.  1997.  55  (2): 73-80.
Journal Name : Contraception
Source : Scopus
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