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61. Nathalang O., Sthabunsawasdigarn S., Bejrachandra S., Saipin J., Sriphaisal T.
A Comparative Study of Three Techniques for Eluting Red Cell Antibodies.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1997.  80  (SUPPL. 1):
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
62. Nilmanut S, Kuptniratsaikul V, Pekuman P, Tosayanonda O .
The Study of The Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) in Thai People Siriraj Hospital

Journal of Thai Rehabilitation Medicine.  1997.  6  (3): 25-30.
Department : Rehabilitation Medicine
Journal Name : Journal of Thai Rehabilitation Medicine
Source : ไม่มีในฐานข้อมูลสากล
63. Nitiyanant W., Sriussadaporn S., Deerochanawong C., Ngawngamrat S., Benjasuratwong Y., Patanaungkul S.
The Efficacy and Safety of Gliquidone in Thai Diabetics.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1997.  80  (12): 771-776.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
64. Nitiyanant W., Sriussadaporn S., Ploybutr S., Watanakejorn P., Tunlakit M., Bejrachandra S.
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphism in Healthy Thais and Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1997.  80  (12):
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
65. Nitiyanant W., Sriussadaporn S., Ploybutr S., Watanakejorn P., Tunlakit M., Bejrachandra S.
Angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism in healthy Thais and patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet.  1997.  80  (12): 747-752.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
Source : Scopus
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อาคารเฉลิมพระเกียรติ ๘๐ พรรษา ๕ ธันวาคม ๒๕๕๐ (SiMR)โทร. 0-2419-2680-4 โทรสาร 02 4183307
E-mail: sarawut.nam@mahidol.ac.th