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56. Mahanonda N., Boonbaichaiyapruck S., Chakorn T., Chaithiraphan S.
Transcatheter coronary revascularization registry 1995.
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet.  1997.  80  (11): 681-685.
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet thangphaet
Source : Scopus
57. Malasit P., Mahasorn W., Mongkolsapaya J., Singhathong B., Fucharoen S., Wasi P., Bhakdi S.
Presence of immunoglobulins, C3 and cytolytic C5b-9 complement components on the surface of erythrocytes from patients with ฮฒ-thalassaemia/HbE disease.
British Journal of Haematology.  1997.  96  (3): 507-513.
Journal Name : British Journal of Haematology
Source : Scopus
58. Maneemaroj R., Stephens H.A.F., Chandanayingyong D., Longta K., Bejrachandra S.
HLA Class II Allele Frequencies in Northern Thais (Kamphaeng Phet).
Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand.  1997.  80  (SUPPL. 1):
Journal Name : Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand
Source : Scopus
59. Maneerat Y., Wilairatana P., Pongponratn E., Puthavathana P., Chaisri U., Kurathong S., Juthaputhi A., Clayson E.T., Snitbhan R., Raengsakulrach B., Vaughn D.W.
Herpes simplex virus type-2, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus infection in acute non A to E hepatitis Thai patients.
Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology.  1997.  15  (3): 147-151.
Journal Name : Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology
Source : Scopus
60. Mangkharak J., Patanachak C., Podhisuwan K., Pleehachinda R.
The evaluation of combined scintimammography and tumor markers in breast cancer patients.
Anticancer Research.  1997.  17  (3 B): 1611-1614.
Journal Name : Anticancer Research
Source : Scopus
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